Halloween Cinderella

Best way to get over a guy is to get under another. Or so my roommate says.
Getting over Austin should be easy. It’s just a crush. And I know he’ll never see me as anything but a study buddy.
Hiding behind a Halloween mask, I can pretend to be someone else. Someone bolder. Sexy. Confident. Yet none of the guys catch my interest.
Things take a twist when Austin asks me to dance. Keeping up my charade when I’m with him isn’t easy, but for one night, I can be the girl he wants.
It’s long past midnight by the time I slip out of his bed, and this Cinderella has no intention of letting her one-night prince find out her true identity…
Halloween Cinderella is the first book in the Misfits and Fairy Tales series. It contains no cheating and a guaranteed HEA.
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